Sorry, At This Time We No Longer Provide Spa Services
Reiki is a form of natural healing that enhances the body's ability to heal itself by tapping into the Universal Life Force Energy. Reiki can help to greatly reduce chronic pain and stress which is a leading cause of disease and illnesses. In addition, the American Cancer Society states that Reiki can help alleviate the side effects of cancer patients undergoing cancer treatments.
During a Reiki session, the client lies down or is seated fully clothed. The practitioner next places her hands on or above the body and allows the REIKI to radiate from the hands.
Cancellations: To ensure the service is the best possible, please reschedule or cancel any appointment at least 24 hours in advance.
Comfort: Although body treatments will require the removal of clothing, respect for your modesty and privacy is a main concern. Careful draping procedures are observed at all times and you will be completely covered except for the area that is being treated. Gowns will be provided for the facial treatments. Robes are available as needed. Please make me aware of any discomfort, or special needs.
To preserve a tranquil atmosphere, please turn off your cell phone. All services are by appointment only. Evening and weekend appointments available upon request.